Friday, February 20, 2009

MEMRI TV - Exposing the Extreme Nature of the Middle East

What is Memri TV?

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) was founded in 1998 in Washington, DC to bridge the language gap between the Middle East and the West by monitoring, translating, and studying Arab, Iranian and Turkish media, schoolbooks, and religious sermons. MEMRI is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and has branches in Baghdad, Tokyo and Jerusalem, and a staff of over 70 working around the globe. MEMRI's research is translated into English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish with a subscriber list of over 75,000. MEMRI is a 501 (c)3 organization and is incorporated in Washington, D.C.

This is unfair to the Middle Easterns. This website is actually showing the world only the extreme religious part of the Middle East. They are making all Arabs seem like bad people who want to sacrifice their children and brainwash them into growing up as terrorists. The video I added will show a very ugly part of the Middle Eastern culture and beliefs. Forgetting that the minorities they mentioned are in the Middle East. Islam and Christians live in harmony together in the Middle East. There are also Jews in the Middle East, Arab Jews and not Israelis. The school books, TV channels and TV shows Memeri is translating are work of Muslim extremists. The Christians are minorities in the Middle East as well as Muslim extremists. This might be shocking but it's true.

Most Middle Easterns will never approve on being part of the propaganda such websites are behind. Muslim extremists hate Christians because they are extremists, you should also not forget that Christian extremists feel the same way too about Islam.

Now personally I was upset after I watched this video, because the Middle East is rarely exposed through the west as good people who are civilized and contained. All what the west think of the Middle East is that they are terrorists, they still travel with camels, and they are all Muslims who hate Christians and Jews. Misunderstood and misinterpreted, Middle Easterns feel when they watch such a video because it generalizes the people and focuses on the worst side.