Saturday, March 14, 2009

Homosexuality - Mental, Physical or Just a Preference

In the middle east, homosexuality is the most shameful thing to ever exist. I was born and raised this way. I can't change what I think about it although I am trying to. It's not about me though, it's about an entire culture.

In the west, homosexuality is normal but not considered a norm. It's a very interesting thing. They say people are born with homosexuality; what defines their homosexuality then? Their mental health? Their physiology? Or they are born normal but preferred same sex relationships?

First let's talk about homosexuality in the west and the middle east.

Middle East
  • Homosexuality is forbidden, unaccepted and very wrong
  • Homosexuality is sometimes considered a "fashion" or a "cool" experience
  • Having a homosexual son or daughter is enough reason for the parents to murder the sibling to prevent shame and defend their honor
  • A gay person is always considered a guy "acting like a girl, giving oral sex receiving anal sex"
  • Homosexuals have homosexual friends and few straight friends. For guy, homosexuals normally have more female friends.
  • A homosexual is forced to get out of his preference and marry from the opposite sex after all
  • Homosexuals have normal relationships but very discretely
  • Homosexuals never expose themselves in public in their true "nature"
  • Homosexuality in the middle east is more of an experience rather than a lifetime "sexual abnormality"
  • Homosexuality is normal and accepted
  • Some countries allow same sex marriages
  • Adoption for a homosexual couple is allowed
  • In some countries, they have their own parades
I think there are many reasons behind homosexuality based on the research I conducted. Homosexuality can be a physical disorder. Let me explain. Some people are born males, but have very small or sometimes tiny genitals and their hormones are unstable that they can't reach puberty. In females, some are born with a high testosterone amount in their body that they start developing male voices, big clitoris, small breasts and facial hair, they are the characteristics of males. In this case a male with this disorder turn into a homosexual from the femininity and the female can turn into a homosexual because of the extra masculinity. of course such conditions can be treated or the person can, with the recent advanced medicine, have a sex change surgery. They can't help it because they are born with this disorder.

I was talking to a psychologist friend of mine about this issue. We were debating about if homosexuality can be a mental disorder or an abnormal behavior. I used to call homosexuality an abnormal behavior because it's against the laws of nature. But I was corrected with her giving me the meaning of abnormal behavior. Homosexuality can not be a mental disorder nor an abnormal behavior. In the homosexual mind it's normal because this is how they feel, but in my mind it's not normal because it's against my norms and the law's of our existence and nature.

So I came to a conclusion. Homosexuality, if not a physical disorder, it's definitely a sexual preference that any person can get rid of and end it. Seriously, look at all the movies and all the homosexual people in the world, most of their attitude, jokes and fights between themselves are sexual. It's mostly about sex. So this leaves me wondering, is it only a sexual pleasure - the same sex foreplay and intercourse. The same sex physical attraction that they "can't" help has only two explanations:
  1. Hormonal instability or genital dysfunction
  2. Homosexuality is a fetish or a physical sexual act that's fulfilling if performed to or received from a person of the same sex
I don't know the origin of this phenomena but all I can say is that I am trying to accept the idea that it can be a natural one. I am trying because I still and will always see homosexuality as something against the laws of nature and against our existence and evolution. There is only one thing I am completely against, it is same sex marriage. I understand a gay couple wanting to get married and spend the rest of their lives together "out of love". But the only marriage part that I hate is the one with adopting a child.

A homosexual couple can't adopt a child because any child needs to experience both types of parental love and care. The male and the female parents love. If two were males, it will be confusing and missing. If two were females, it will be confusing and missing too. If anyone disagrees with me, I only have one thing to say, the origin of the child adopted was what? A male and a female. Two different sexes produced this child as a result of a male and female fusion. Two people from the same sex can not reproduce "naturally". So I can understand the idea of homosexuality and I can accept it as long as it's not for me, but I can never support a homosexual couple adopting a child because it will be unfair for the child.

Psychologist Dina Malas says: "Research shows that a child raised with homosexual parents turn out to be just as stable, and in some cases, even better functioning than children raised in a heterosexual environment. And a homosexual relationship is much better functioning than a heterosexual relationship because they're from the same sex and not from different sexes fighting about their differences."

This research Dina is talking about is done in the west and not in the middle east. So I can't be sure if it's valid in the middle eastern society and culture or not. Anyhow I would like to hear opinions about it and be enlightened more about the subject.

I don't want any homosexual individual to feel offended because I am just saying what conclusions I came up with and I might be 100% wrong.